
Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is a foundation in the Federal Republic of Germany devoted to the promotion of liberal principles and to political education. The goal of the foundation is to advance the principles of freedom and dignity for all people in all areas of society, both in Germany and abroad. The Friedrich Naumann Foundation is active in over 60 countries around the world, spanning Europe, Africa, Asia, North and Central America. Within these project countries, our regional offices work to support human rights, rule of law, and democracy. In order to achieve these aims, the foundation seeks to foster both international and transatlantic dialogue through conferences, study tours, and publications, among other means. In addition, the foundation supports local, regional, and national initiatives which advance the rights of minorities, the democratic control of security forces, and the strengthening of international human rights coalitions.

Tainan Sprout
Tainan Sprout aims to understand, think, intervene, participate in municipal affairs to effectively oversee the city council and government. There are more avenues to participate in politics other than running for office. With Internet-based ideas to open up government, Taiwan Sprout wants to facilitate everyone’s understanding of politics so that policy deliberation and debates can be based on symmetric information on all sides.

Good-Ideas Studio
a IT working space, and focus the topic to software. Doing free training program for people who want to be a developer. Dedicates to building Tainan, the city of Southern Taiwan to become a IT light tower and a manufacturer of producing quality developer in Taiwan.

Fablab STMC
As a response to the concept of “social design,” local designers in Tainan, Chiayi, and Yunlin will work together in brainstorming, discussion, and finally production of works with social significance. Fablab STMC encompasses rural lifestyle, agricultural production, and ecology in Southwest Taiwan to build a rural Fablab distinct from those in the urban area. It is a local spot for innovation that combines characteristics from a Maker space and co-working space, in which software and hardware are made into an exquisite amalgam.

Fablab Tainan
We are Fablab Tainan, one of the main Fablabs in Taiwan founded in 2013. A community formed by a group of makers, currently operated by Tainan Makers Association. Pay attention to and develop the promotion of Tainan's local maker movement, technology sharing and exchange, local community's activity, and development of open source hardware projects, hoping to promote the maker spirit that everyone can make their own.

g0v jothon
g0v jothon is the task force of []( bi-monthly hackathon, there are currently six volunteers and three staffers. The “jothon” organizers started organizing the g0v hackathon since 2012, and officially formed the “jothon” team in 2014. In 2016, the “infrathon” was launched for infrastructural projects of g0v community, and “Civic Tech Prototype Grant” encourages g0v projects to continue its development, long-term maintenance, and operation. In 2020, educational project “Sch001” was launched to rethink the role of the school from zero. g0v jothon was also a sponsor of g0v Summit 2018.

g0v international
g0v international (g0v-intl) is a g0v community task force on bridging g0v contributors and projects with international communites, building infrastructure, shared resources, and establishing open governance mechanisms for g0v’s international affairs.

Facing the Ocean Community (FtO)
Facing the Ocean (FtO) is a community of civic hackers living in the West Pacific Ocean. Facing the Ocean Meet & Hack is our series of hackathon events. By emphasizing on diversity of participants and solution-oriented activities, we hope to create and strengthen a unique experience of commonality, shared among civic hackers across countries. We believe hearing each others’ problems, finding solutions and also having a good time together, is the foundational work of building a stronger regional network. We believe by connecting our sea of communities with openness and mutual trust, together we are more than enough to face the challenges of the ocean of future. Our projects include [Herstory of East Asia](, [Novel Coronavirus in East Asia (2019-2020)](, and [Civic Hacking for Public Health]( experience sharing events.

A Break Cafe
“The more time you spend here, the happier the owners will be.” A Break Cafe is a “small nest” (小窩) to study life and be oneself. Since opening, A Break Cafe has been building their own community with well-sourced ingredients, good food, curated lectures, and comfortable, inclusive space.

KlickKlack Communications Communications provide professional wired and wireless internet networks, reducing digital divide between individuals. With rich experience, our team has crafted custom solutions, including on-site monitoring, backup systems and real-time advertising. We’ve done hundreds of events of any scale from Esports, live streaming,conferences, product launches, concerts, exhibitions, outdoor events and festivals.

Board of Science and Technology January 1, 2012, the Executive Yuan formally established the Board of Science and Technology (BOST) to review and coordinate the overall development of national science and technology (S&T) policy. Prior to the January 1, 2012 restructuring, the national S&T policy-making apparatus was composed of the Science & Technology Advisory Group (STAG), National Science Council (NSC), and other S&T-related ministries. In order to enhance administrative efficacy and coordinate the roles and functions of government agencies following governmental restructuring, the BOST has been tasked to periodically review the national S&T agenda and vision, set overall administrative objectives for the government, and develop guidelines for S&T policies.The BOST works closely with the Ministry of Science and Technology in formulating the National S&T Development Plan in conjunction with the quadrennial National S&T Conference. The BOST assists the premier in S&T policy decision-making and serves as a platform for coordinating related government agencies and domestic policy-research institutes. Moreover, it assists in mapping out policies and evaluating core technologies. Based on the established blueprint and the conclusions and administrative recommendations made at past meetings, the BOST carries out policy directives while receiving policy recommendations and coordinating their promotion.

Institute for Information Industry III established, III has taken part in planning and promoting public policies related to information industry. It has contributed to the pioneer research and development in information and communication technology, the deepening and broadening of information applications,the training and education of talents in this field and the participation in building infrastructure for national information technology. III’s achievements have been widely recognized. In recent years, following the rapid changes in the global environment, III has modified its objectives and missions to promote information communication technology innovation and applications in Taiwan, and to assist in the development of the digital economy.

Luminate is a global philanthropic organisation focused on empowering people and institutions to work together to build just and fair societies. We support innovative and courageous organisations and entrepreneurs around the world, and we advocate for the policies and actions that will drive change across four impact areas: Civic Empowerment, Data & Digital Rights, Financial Transparency, and Independent Media. We work with our partners to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate in and to shape the issues affecting their societies, and to make those in positions of power more responsive and accountable. Luminate was established in 2018 by philanthropists Pierre and Pam Omidyar. The organisation was founded by The Omidyar Group.

C-Hub"C-Hub based in National Cheng Kung University is a platform to create new value on “Collective Design”. With the belief of ”Design Empowered,” C-Hub expects to contribute the mutually beneficial evolution and the linkage innovation among the university, industries and this city. C-Hub has been assiduous in promoting interdisciplinary cooperation. It has held hundreds of innovative activities in its creative space, where the participants can create and generate many ideas together. C-Hub also establishes a complete process of education, incubation and practice to promote the bilateral immersion between industry and campus, produce a variety of experimental prototypes with creative imaginations to the future, and discover the potential opportunity and possibility of new teams. C-Hub perseveres in enhancing new value to develop talent incubation, social innovation, and future vision. Everyone is welcome to experience the fascination of our space, and we wish each of you will meet the best creative partners through C-Hub. "

Civil IoT Taiwan the technology of big data, IoT, and AI flourishing rapidly, the configuration of digital city is not able to fulfill the requirements from the society. Therefore, by constructing Civil IoT Taiwan, which gathers and integrates the big data of earthquake, water resources, air quality, and disaster prevention, we can promote the transformation of digital city to smart city. We hope these changes would not only strengthen the smart service of the government but also stimulate the vitality of our industry, government and citizens, making Taiwan ready to embrace the new era. Civil IoT Taiwan is one of the government’s “forward-looking infrastructure-digital construction” programs. This program provides the big data service of four fields, including earthquake, water resources, air quality and disaster prevention, through the implementation of AI and IoT. All the data collected by Civil IoT will beuploaded to the Civil IoT Data Service Platform, which provides stable, clean and standardized sensor data service and computing resources to the industry for value-added applications.

Digital Taiwan Roundtable enhance the competitiveness of Taiwan, the Digital Taiwan Roundtable gathers the talented and wise from industry, government, universities, and research institutes to advocate for the reformation of regulations and policies that foster digital transformation in industries and society. The mission of the Digital Taiwan Roundtable is to promote the development of digital technology in industries and to advise the government in formulating proactive policies that increase competitiveness and establish advantages for digital technology in Taiwan on a global scale.

IORG is a multidisciplinary research group founded in 2019 by media professionals, social scientists, data scientists, and activists in Taiwan. IORG conducts scientific research to document, attribute, and publish the network of Chinese information manipulation and infiltration against Taiwan. IORG is currently hosting workshops with local partners across Taiwan to enhance information literacy and counter Chinese cognitive warfare with public information and civic participation.

Archilife Research Foundation Research Foundation Since 1987, the Archilife Research Foundation started long-term researches in architecture, sustainability, and go on to other areas of knowledge integration. Efforts including previously giving scholarships in aforementioned areas, and currently holding reading group meetings and communion events for knowledge keepers to better our understandings of the world. Starting from 2011, we also have been sponsoring various open source related events, holding meetups and game jams for local game developers' community, and giving out scholarships to support indie game teams and encourage them to go to international game festivals.
Supporting organizer

Tainan City Government

Open Culture Foundation, OCF

NCKU Computer and Network Center


The College of Planning and Design, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) College of Planning and Design, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), emerged in August 2003 from the College of Engineering, and initially included the Department of Architecture, Department of Urban Planning and Department of Industrial Design. The Department of Architecture began its development in 1944, then under Tainan Technical College, the predecessor of NCKU, during the Japanese colonial time. The Department of Urban Planning and Department of Industrial Design were further established in 1971 and 1973, respectively. Besides programs for regular students, the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design also offer continuing education for professionals working with design practice and wish to continue their education. In 2006, the Institute of Creative Industries Design was created to initiate another new post-graduate program. It aims to widen our scope of planning and design and enhance our competitiveness in the competing world of higher education. By offering all courses in English, this institute welcomes students from different nationalities and professional backgrounds. We are proud to say that all the above-mentioned departments and institutes were founded as pioneers and have been playing leading roles in their academic field in Taiwan.

National Development Council NDC is to act as the main policy-planning agency of the Executive Yuan, which is charged with the tasks of planning, designing, coordinating, reviewing and evaluating the nation’s overall development. Acting from the perspective of overall planning of sustainable national development resources, the NDC uphold the ideals of “boldly pursuing innovation, intrepidly breaking down barriers, striving for excellence in action, and increasing efficiency.” Coordinating the implementation of major policies for economic, social, industrial, manpower, land and political governance, it will work to open up new horizons for national development in tune with the rapid changes occurring internally and externally.

Kun Shan University
Founded in 1964, Kun Shan University, dedicating to technical and vocational education for more than 55 years, has been a paragon of "industry-academia cooperation" among the universities of technology in Southern Taiwan. Adapt to the nation's economic and industry development, Kun Shan has been committed to the education and applied research in green technology, cultural creativity industry, smart living technology, and precision machinery to cultivate the talents of engineering, management, business and design, with humanistic spirit. Kun Shan has developed as the leader of the professional skills and education. For three consecutive years since 2018, Kun Shan has received high grant from the Higher Education Sprout Project of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China (Taiwan) because of its highly regarded performance. The benefit per student is the highest among the private universities of technology in Taiwan. Kun Shan is the only private university in Taiwan winning the highly acclaimed competition "Red Dot Award: Design Concept." Additionally, Kun Shan is acknowledged as one of the favorite private universities of the industry from the surveys by Common Wealth Magazine and Cheers Magazine. Aware of the changes of education environments and the development of technology, Kun Shan has been striving to expand the learning beyond campus though various and multiple community participation and flipping education to equip the students with civic awareness and develop social responsibilities while concerning the public issues in the society.

Innovative Digital Service Project in Remote Area
There is never a lack of beauty in a remote area, but a lack of discovery. The Innovative Digital Service Project in Remote Area is initiated by the Ministry of Education and committed by Kun Shan University, aiming to support the digital transformation of the six Digital Opportunity Centers (DOC) with digital innovative technologies. Kun Shan University has set up a project team to organize a number of innovative teams for serving in remote areas, and devoting into "building up connections to resources, exploring local characteristics, and increasing the visibility of DOCs". The project teams are in the meanwhile practicing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to fill in the innovative and sustainable energy. It is hoped that through the digital innovations of college students and local youths, more people will discover the beauty and fall in love with the local areas
Special thanks

Sorry Youth Youth is a Taiwanese indie band formed by Weni (vocals, guitar), Giang Giang (vocals, bass) and Chung-Han (vocals, drums). Their style is a mix of instrumental-rock, noise-pop and emo, while blending in Taiwanese language into the melody and rhythm to showcase unique Taiwanese cultures. Sorry Youth is one of the best rock bands in Taiwan. After a 5-year long hiatus, they have incorporated into their second album Brothers Shouldn't Live Without Dreams new elements like brass and Beiguan music. Singing in Taiwanese dialect, Sorry Youth represent the true spirit of Taiwan's style.

Tainan Parents Association of the Deaf