NullFull - Introducing Korean civic hacking community
NullFull is a civic hacking community in South Korea. We often deride, mock, and criticize our government and politicians who waste taxpayers’ money. The following introduces our previous projects.
NullFull has been active since 2016, and we hold a weekly meeting on Mondays. The members participating in NullFull are developers, social activists, designers, data analysts, system engineers, and more.
We proudly introduce some of our projects as follows:
* We draw a foodie map of the restaurants that congressmen “adore” to visit, based on the public data from the annual expenditure financial statement.
* We assist consumers to easily detect whether a certain product is manufactured from one of the “infamous” food corporations - by taking a picture of the product barcode and uploading it on the website.
* We demand legislative candidates to amend the existing criminal law to strongly penalize and punish sexual offenders - by creating an accessible system for the electors to directly send emails to parliamentary candidates.
* Roast poor data visualizations from media and redo it by ourselves.

擅長的程式語言為 Ruby,以社群貢獻分享為興趣,熱愛自由,和女人迷共同為性別議題發聲,同時也長期參與開源社群,為 g0v 阿美語萌典團隊的主要開發維護者,以及 Rails Taiwan 共同創辦人,希望一起讓世界變得更美好。

Regular Ordinary Korean Developer.

Fabulously talented to find the right one in the wrong address.