Unconference R1-1
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Unconference C3-2
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Unconference R4-1
Unconference R4-2
Engaging Thai citizens with games and open platforms
The Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) in Thailand has developed games and open platforms to engage citizens since 2010.
“Sim Democracy” was our first game. Simulating a simple democratic community, the game aimes to provide understanding of basic democratic values and processes, to stimulate political opinions, and to raise questions on government administrations and public issues. The game has been translated into different languages.
With the success of our first game, FNF Thailand developed “Rights Card” and “Bingo Rights” based on the Declaration of Human Rights in 2016, “Media Literacy Game” in 2017, and “PeaceSoCrazy” in 2018. Local election game and virtual citizen online games are underway.
Additionally, “Dream Thailand,” a campaign based on “future research” provides platform for people to voice their dreams for the country. In 2020, an online survey of 1,880 people aoub their wishes for the post-COVI-19 Thailand was conducted. Data and findings were presented to policy makers and media to access.