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How to make it easy to assess and manage intangible values
While social impact turns into a buzzword, it takes much more efforts to describe what social impact actually is. Mainstream businesses keep growing the economy and technological application, but clean air and ocean have been falling in a continual fashion for decades. The system of human societal and economic development is obviously flawed in a significant way. When financial and market success become the exclusive sort of value in the mind of decision makers, “partial stakeholders perspective” leads to enormous negligence of such impact as on human, cultural, social, environmental aspects. It is the main theme of the talk about how to assess and manage the intangible values in a more routine way.

Steven C.Y. Yang received his Ph.D. in economics from Iowa State University in 2000, and had since worked for more than a decade as a research fellow and policy consultant in Taiwan. His research interest covered the areas of industrial innovation system, SMEs, and knowledge services.
In recent years he has joined the impact investment circle for putting in practice his academic findings in the hope for more actively contributing to the development of economic inclusiveness and a better society.