Short break
A Preliminary study on Mapping the Classroom with Participatory Politics and Citizen Journalism in the Digital Age
Digital technologies have deeply reshaped the mainstream media system and how news and information is gathered, distributed and consumed. This module will provide students with a thorough understanding of the tools and practices of digital journalism. They will learn that the Internet is both a platform to gather and disseminate information. In this semester, students have to report, interview, write and design their news topic in a platform by teamwork. However, the ideas of ‘understanding and practicing digital journalism’ in the course is difficult. There are several questions: What is the new thinking about digital journalism? How to organize this kind of module for locally reporting, interviewing, writing and designing in 16 weeks? Will the new digital generation break down barriers between traditional news and digital news? Are they really different from each other? There are so many questions waiting for us to deal with and now we’re trying to reorganise our experiences and rethink a better editing process for the next turn. More importantly, how could we (students, lecturer and website designer) develop a new teaching and learning field for a practicable digital journalism education.

Chief of Staff of g0v jothon, Co-chair of g0v Summit 2020. She is general coordinator of g0v Hackathon, infrathon, g0v CivicTech Prototype Grant and Sch001.

Hui-Ju TSAI is a assistant professor at the Department of Mass Communication, Tamkang University. She obtained her PhD at Social Sciences, Loughborough University in 2018. She is a member of Campaign for Media Reform [CMR] in Taiwan. Her recent published articles include:Audience Commodity in the Age of Streaming Services: An Analysis of Netflix Binge-Watching and the Associated Audience Labor through Critical Political Economy of Communications (CEPC) Approach (2020). Her research orientation is critical political economy approach to studying culture and communication policies. Tsai is especially interested in creative industries, public service media, and the democratisation of mass culture.

Drupal site builder / Homeschooling parent
