Short break
What are the actual cases in the online course database of innovative teachers?
Learning anytime, anywhere is the most important issue for children, regardless of class interruptions due to COVIT-19. In Japan, with the cooperation of citizens, we are creating a database of cases where teachers tried online classes. In this session, we will report on the current status of ICT in education in Japan and the motivation and achievements of the project establishment.

Chief of Staff of g0v jothon, Co-chair of g0v Summit 2020. She is general coordinator of g0v Hackathon, infrathon, g0v CivicTech Prototype Grant and Sch001.

I support teachers with the aim of helping children learn independently in an online learning environment.
I am interested in educational activities through social activities. I have been participating in the Code for Japan community since last year.
Specialty:NPO, EdTech,Human resource development

I built a student group that concept is "making smile for everyone". Recently, we are trying to communicate with parents and children through Zoom, and I felt the possibly of technology by the activity.