Short break
How LASS builds water community and co-works with the government
Following the establishment of the air sensing community and the AirBox, LASS is building a water community, launching open source software and hardware integration projects such as the WaterBox and the RiverLog, and gradually building an industry-government-academic-research exchange system. Building public-private partnership community platform with Water Resources Agency and expected to share relevant status/plans/experiences and skills with community partners.
I got an MA in Department of Biomechatronic Engineering of Chiayi University. And be a systems engineer for a few years in food industries. I love learning new technologies and self-made gadgets. I happened to catch up with the Maker movement, and got the certify of Fablab Academy in 2016. Since then I working for Fablab STMC, including maintenance and management of equipment, course planning and execution, and project development.
WuLung Hsu (Haba) LASS founder, HCOS founder, FBTUG founder
Embrace openness and welcome to the future! Hope to gather the strength of the Taiwan PRO Maker community and create together
The open hardware project that attracted the world's attention and developed an innovative Maker economic model. Former product line director of chip design company, system architect, love Linux, familiar
Embedded system design, communication system and software design. Serve as several community managers and business consultants.