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Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
To be confirmed...
Intergrass & the Culture Jamming for Internet Freedom in On/Offline Places without (Internet) Freedom

The Chinese internet is ever so strictly censored by Xi’s government of China. It is almost impossible to securely get across any sensitive topic on Chinese internet with more than 3 000 000 Chinese words that have been or still are silenced. Words seen as sensitive by Xi’s government may range from Winnie the Pooh to Tiananmen Square Massacre, from gay romance to Taiwan independence, and from South Park to Hong Kong Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement (A. K. A. Anti-ELAB) protesters. The word “liberty” in Trump’s speech has been translated into “permission” by Beidu, possibly due to Beidu’s built-in guide which avoids sensitive words.
In this talk, we will brief our project, Intergrass, as a grassroot approach to speak out against the dominant silencers on the internet in China. In Intergrass, we encrypt Chinese sensitive words into the DNA of Arabidopsis thaliana by genetic engineering and offer public workshops on how to genetically engineer words into this flowering plant. By doing so, we wish to associate A. thaliana with internet freedom. Any A. thaliana plant (both wild-type and mutants) consequently becomes a culture jamming tool which could hijack the public domain as the seeds spread and the plantlets grow. A. thaliana is the most well-known model plant which grows easily at approx. 25͑͒᷾͐°C. The plant appears insignificant and the seeds are smaller than a dot of pencil. It is a plant that can be easily spread and impossible to be completely eliminated.


Although Darwin’s Theory of Species doesn't mention the pneuma of life, it describes all organisms as distant relatives. Taiwan’s Civil Law Code Article 983 states that one shouldn't marry a collateral relative by blood within the 6th degree of kinship. The 6 Degree Separation Theory shows the convergence of the social community era. Relatives beyond the 7th degree are on the enlarged magnetic field of divergence.
Our the experimental lab collaborates firstly on creating the optimal impacts, then studies to avoid physical risks, and is always preparing a control/contrast room, in which diverging/distracting thoughts procreated immortally.