Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
To be confirmed...
How Jothon Online was Build

- In this panel we will provide a brief origin story of Jothon Online. Start from the concept of hosting virtaul hackathon. Make the virtual event more interactive and engaged. And make it go as smooth as physical one by new measures and rules.
- Introducing the hidden figures: Scenes Director and Floor Director. They are responsible for scene transition timing, scene arrangement and checking the progress and the status of moderator and speaker. Make sure the viewer experience is affected by any technical issue.
- The challenge and the next step of Jothon Online: Except for holding hackathon, Jothon Online also contributes to few online meeting and virtual conference. We will talk about what are the roles that Jothon Online play a part in and what will be the next step of Jothon Online.
- License: BSD License

70 年次,過去的大半輩子都住在台北縣或新北市, 101 年中旬開始定居於台南,因為喜歡這個地方。
在 318 學運中看到公權力如此粗魯的對待人民,我一直在思考,除了抱怨,我還能夠做些什麼?我並不想要離開這個地方,也希望自己的孩子能夠在這片土地上好好成長,現在試著進一步站到第一線去,看看有沒有機會真的做些事情。
