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Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
Open discussion
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Transitional justice for the people – let’s chat about open public engagement for “historical sites of injustice”
1. 設計不義遺址標示系統時,是否可以在政府所公告的公共系統中包含一套開放系統?如果需要,如何可能?(會說明為何提出開放系統之需求)
2. 不義遺址在網路世界的公共性:如何在WIKI上建立完整詞條
3. 以Judy和懿容的報告為參考,試著設定一個受眾社群,提出一個推廣不義遺址認識的方法。

畢業於台灣大學歷史學系(2007),芝加哥藝術學院雕塑創作碩士(MFA, 2014)。作品曾獲台北美術獎、芝加哥新藝術家協會新藝術家獎以及台灣文化部駐村獎金。曾受邀參與史勾西根繪畫雕塑學校、北極圈藝術家進駐計畫、4-18哥倫比亞駐留計畫與台北藝術村駐村計畫。目前為害喜影音綜藝有限公司負責人,視教育現場的介入為一種政治參與的工作方法。

Yi-Jung Shi graduated from the Department of Advertising and Public Relations of Fu Jen University.
She was a copywriter in Dentsu and Ogilvy Taiwan , and participated works like “Pxmart Facebook Social Creative” “Kasiboan” (for Lanyu island’s rubbish issue). She also was repeatedly represented Taiwan in capturing international youth creative awards.
She is is a copywriter freelancer now. Last year she was selected ”Proposals for Promoting Spatial History of Monuments of Injustice”(2020). Hoping creative can be the motication of people start to talk about White Terror history.

Judy Chang graduated from the Department of Advertising and Public Relations of Fu Jen University.
She worked as project manager and film planner in Advertising and Film agency, but now she is a freelancer.
She was selected《Come with Us, Please-Proposals for Promoting Spatial History of Monuments of Injustice》(
National Human Rights Museum,2020). During this period, she created the online story map “There Were Here”, bring people to see the life path of political prisoners.