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Project Lockdown: Using data to assess the impact on human and digital rights as a result of Covid-19 related Government measures

Human and digital rights have been greatly impacted by the various Covid-19 related measures that governments around the globe have implemented. Project Lockdown provides a mapping platform and an open API to explore and better understand the effects on people's rights within a territory, and importantly across territories over time. This panel discussion explores the deep ramifications of government policies across populations, the differences and anomalies in implementations and how our tools provide precise, time-sensitive snapshots that can be used for advocacy and awareness-raising, and ultimately to hold government policy makers to account. In relation to human and digital rights, we will identify positive deviants and contrast the often stringent sudden 'lockdown' measures with the gradual phased approach to easing of measures, and subsequent knee-jerk re-implementations.

70 年次,過去的大半輩子都住在台北縣或新北市, 101 年中旬開始定居於台南,因為喜歡這個地方。
在 318 學運中看到公權力如此粗魯的對待人民,我一直在思考,除了抱怨,我還能夠做些什麼?我並不想要離開這個地方,也希望自己的孩子能夠在這片土地上好好成長,現在試著進一步站到第一線去,看看有沒有機會真的做些事情。

With a BA and Master in International Relations, Mark is a member of the ICANN GNSO Council where he focuses on Internet Governance and the impacts of technology on public and private policymaking.
He is a founding member of Project Lockdown and is now a core member of the Board of Consultants.
Under the Governance Primer brand, he consults for businesses and individuals in their participation in international institutions that relate to technology.
Mark is also a lecturer and course developer, supporting programs that increase the participation and inclusion of youth in international arenas.

Julie is passionate about human and digital rights and equity across the globe. Having worked seven years in the telecommunications industry as a software engineer, hardware engineer, market strategist, and consultant, Julie re-qualified as a secondary school teacher. She has been fortunate to work in many different cultures and countries and when not teaching has worked in the humanitarian sector in both long-term volunteering positions and paid employment.

Mandy is an undergraduate majoring in Sociology and Urban Governance in The University of Hong Kong. She is passionate about human rights, sustainability and anything about cities.